

in country house atmosphere

To make your celebration an unforgettable experience, we offer you a very special ambience in the middle of Brandenburg's nature. Our Landhaus Lellichow offers exceptional architecture paired with a stately country house atmosphere.

Feiern Sie mit bis zu 70 Gästen. 

Whether it's a company event, club celebration, round birthday or family celebration with ten or more people. Our Landhaus Lellichow with its rooms offers the perfect feel-good and celebration atmosphere.


as buffet or menu

In addition to the perfect venue for your celebration, the food must also be convincing. Especially for large parties, a buffet is ideal and uncomplicated. But the buffet is not only uncomplicated. Most guests like to go to the buffet, so everyone can put together their own plate according to their own taste and appetite.

We offer you the opportunity to put together your own buffet. Whether cold or warm buffet (also in combination), we leave you a lot of creative freedom and orientate ourselves according to your taste. We are happy to offer you individually composed dishes for every budget.

A good drink



Unser Landhaus Lellichow bietet Ihnen angliedert an das Restaurant „Landhausstube“, eine urige Bar. 

Ausgesuchte Weine, internationale Spirituosen aus aller Welt und regionalen Bierspezialitäten frisch vom Faß gezapft, trinkt man am besten in unserer Bar oder auf der Sommergartenterrasse .

Geöffnet von 17h – 22.00h

Sonntag ist Ruhetag. 



in Brandenburg's nature

Are you planning a wedding, family celebration, christening, company party, birthday or club party? You've come to the right place!
We look forward to your enquiry and will be happy to advise you.